How Can I Make Money...
Not a week goes by that we don't receive a phone call, email, even an occasional fax from someone wishing to know how they can make money as a transporter when the fuel prices are so high, when there are no re-loads, when I live 800 miles from the nearest terminal...
You get the idea.
There are thousands of transporters rolling up and down the road that are doing great and making a good living, then there are those that are barely making it or failing and can't wait to tell everyone of their impending doom. What makes one transporter successful and another a failure? The answer to that question is somewhat elusive, to a point.
Much of the problem for the transporter that is failing is poor planning from the start, for example:
1) Did they do the needed research before entering the industry or did they just decide to give it a shot and buy a truck?
2) Did they enter the industry for the long term or just to make a quick buck?
3) Did they have prior transportation experience or did they just figure that since they have towed a trailer before that their couldn't be much to it?
4) Any previous business experience?
5) Any previous sales experience?
Just from this short list it's obvious that succeeding as a transporter starts long before one hauls their first trailer. One of the first things we tell those wanting to attend a RV Transport Workshop is not to buy anything (especially a truck) before attending. This is to make sure that they have needed information for buying before spending. If one doesn’t know what one need's or what one is looking for, one will spend too much!
To answer one specific question from the hundreds of "how can I make money when..." is nearly impossible because to answer one question would require other questions to be answered first. This is the sole reason for the existence of the RV Transport Workshop. As transporters ourselves, we've watched hundreds of transporters go belly up because of lack of information/training.
You, as a transporter, are an independent contractor. The company will contract you and show you the way they want things done. This isn't training it's an orientation. Huge difference. Hence the conception of the RV Transport Training Workshop. To learn more click the RV Transport link on the right.
You get the idea.
There are thousands of transporters rolling up and down the road that are doing great and making a good living, then there are those that are barely making it or failing and can't wait to tell everyone of their impending doom. What makes one transporter successful and another a failure? The answer to that question is somewhat elusive, to a point.
Much of the problem for the transporter that is failing is poor planning from the start, for example:
1) Did they do the needed research before entering the industry or did they just decide to give it a shot and buy a truck?
2) Did they enter the industry for the long term or just to make a quick buck?
3) Did they have prior transportation experience or did they just figure that since they have towed a trailer before that their couldn't be much to it?
4) Any previous business experience?
5) Any previous sales experience?
Just from this short list it's obvious that succeeding as a transporter starts long before one hauls their first trailer. One of the first things we tell those wanting to attend a RV Transport Workshop is not to buy anything (especially a truck) before attending. This is to make sure that they have needed information for buying before spending. If one doesn’t know what one need's or what one is looking for, one will spend too much!
To answer one specific question from the hundreds of "how can I make money when..." is nearly impossible because to answer one question would require other questions to be answered first. This is the sole reason for the existence of the RV Transport Workshop. As transporters ourselves, we've watched hundreds of transporters go belly up because of lack of information/training.
You, as a transporter, are an independent contractor. The company will contract you and show you the way they want things done. This isn't training it's an orientation. Huge difference. Hence the conception of the RV Transport Training Workshop. To learn more click the RV Transport link on the right.
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