Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Welcome to the TALTOA Blog. TALTOA is short for Transportation and Logistics Training of America. Our training zeros in on two main areas, Freight Broker training and Transport training. A third area that we specialize in is transportation and logistics consulting. In our first post we will focus on becoming a freight broker. A freight broker is an intermediary between a shipper and a carrier. Carriers (trucking companies) generally have their customers in a relatively close proximity to there terminal. When a carrier moves a load for one of it's customers they are left with no way in which to re-load in order to return. Hence they call a freight broker in search of what is commonly referred to as a backhaul.

One of the most asked questions we receive is how much money can I make as a freight broker? That is entirely up to you. There are individuals in this business that make 6 digit incomes. On the flip side of that coin there are individuals in this business that didn't make a dime. Why the huge difference when both had the same opportunity? That answer is relatively simple. Training. If one knows how to do a job correctly he or she can perform that job. However if one doesn't know how to do a job, failure is likely probable.

To learn all of the training options we have available for those interested in becoming a freight broker visit our site at www.fbt101.com. Freight Broker Training is a division of TALTOA -- Transportation and Logistics Training of America.